Environment Agency Approved CBDU80874

Different Types of Household Waste

Different Types of Household Waste and Tips to Reduce Them

There is a huge collection of wastes which is increasing on our planet every day. Household wastes are a major part of our planet. There are essential things like plastics bags, glass, cardboard, broken wood, and so on. People use these things every day in their homes. Your family members regularly throw all your household waste into the bin without considering if waste can be recycled. That’s fine, in each home anyone can do this at least once.

Different Types of Household Waste and Tips to Reduce Them

Moreover, that is not a great way to get rid of your household waste. It will be buried in a landfill area, then it is dangerous for the environment. Do you know? Household wastes are classified into five different types. In this article, you can learn those types and how to reduce them.

1. Liquid Waste

Liquid Waste

Liquid wastes are commonly found in households, painting industries as well as in restaurants. This type of rubbish includes nasty water, detergents, organic liquids, and even rainwater. You should know liquid wastes are categorized into a point and non-point source waste. Industry manufactured liquid waste is point-source waste. On the other hand, natural liquid waste is a non-point-source waste. You can contact waste removal experts to dispose of your household liquid waste properly.

2. Solid Rubbish

Solid Waste

Solid waste includes a collection of rubbish materials that are found in your household along with commercial and industrial buildings. These wastes are divided into 4 types.

Plastic Waste

Plastic offers many benefits to your homes, hospitals, schools, and business industries. It is not biodegradable, but some types of plastics can be recycled. You cannot mix that in your regular waste and place it in your household bin.

Paper card/waste

These are paper materials like newspapers, cardboard, and food packaging covers. Papers are easily reusable and recyclable. Once it is reused, then place them into a recycling bin and dispose of them properly.

Tins and Metals

Tins and metals are found in various forms in your home. They are small oil containers. Metal is easily recyclable. So don’t throw it.

Ceramics and Glass

Ceramics and glass are easily recycled. Buy good recycling bins and bottle banks to dispose of them perfectly.3

3. Organic Waste

Organic waste

Organic waste is general household waste. Food waste, garden waste, rotten meat, and leaf manure are considered organic waste. Microorganisms are formed by these types of organic waste. Organic waste helps with landfill methane production everywhere. So, these are not considered regular waste. You can use a green skin bin or a garden bag to dispose of them.

4. Recyclable Rubbish

Recyclable Rubbish

Recyclable rubbish is a process for converting rubbish items and using them again. Those are paper materials, organic wastes, metals, glasses, and kitchen wood items. These items are recyclable. So do not throw it out in the landfill and water areas. Once you have collected it, then send it to near recycled centres and recycle it.

5. Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste contains all types of rubbish, and they are burnable, poisonous, noxious, and have opposite reactivity. These rubbish materials are prejudicial for humans and the environment. So, people can dispose of them properly at home. You can contact a professional waste removal company for disposing of hazardous waste.


These are the common waste found around in every household and other building areas. In this article, you have learned about household wastes and waste disposal methods. Make sure that you divide your household waste into these types to assure proper waste removal.