Environment Agency Approved CBDU80874

Ideas to Reduce Ocean-Bound Plastics

Ideas to Reduce Ocean-Bound Plastics

Plastic pollution is one of the world’s most important environmental challenges today. Because most of the plastic we use does not degrade or break quickly, it is progressively filling our seas and will take millennia to degrade, causing significant problems for aquatic life, human health, and the marine ecosystem. According to studies, by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish. Additionally, it not only poses a significant threat to marine life but also affects human health and the overall health of our planet. So, how are we going to handle it? Here are some ideas that can help reduce ocean-bound plastic.

What are Ocean-Bound Plastics?

What are Ocean-Bound Plastics

Ocean-bound plastics are plastic waste that is defined as “risks falling into the ocean”. Generally, it is estimated to generate 80% of plastic marine waste. It includes commercial waste and non-commercial plastic waste. And also, it is considered abandoned plastic waste ( microplastics, mezzoplastics, and macroplastics) that is less than 50 kilometres from the coast of a region with ineffective or zero-waste management.

Ideas to Reduce Ocean-Bound Plastics

1. Avoid Using Single-Use Plastics

Avoid Using Single-Use Plastics

It is essential to avoid using single-use plastics whenever possible. Single-use plastics are frequently used for no more than five minutes before being thrown, They often end up as litter and end up in the water. In addition, many single-use products, such as plastic forks, spoons, and knives, cannot be recycled. As a result, make every effort to avoid them.

2. Participate in Beach Cleanups

Participate in Beach Cleanups

Participate in or plan a beach or waterway cleanup to assist in the removal of plastics from the ocean and the prevention of their entry in the first place. This is one of the most immediate and rewarding methods to combat plastic waste in the ocean. You can just go to the beach or waterway on your own or with friends or family to collect waste made of plastic, or you can join a local organisation’s cleanup or participate in other coastal cleanup events.

3. Eat Less Fish

Eat Less Fish

The fishing industry is to blame for a large portion of the waste in our oceans. Fishing accounts for about 20% of ocean plastic. Every year, an estimated 640,000 metric tonnes of ghost gear enter the water. Aside from that, the fishing business mainly relies on plastic netting, which is meant to kill. They have nets that can rip up the ocean bottom and catch a massive amount of fish. You can imagine the harm this is doing to the ecosystem, let alone what happens when these massive nets break. If you want to help, try eating a more plant-based diet and reducing or eliminating seafood from your diet.

4. Support Plastic Bans

Support Plastic Bans

Is there a straw or plastic bag ban in your city? It is a good idea to support these bans so that fewer individuals use inefficient alternatives. For example, you will pay more for a throwaway bag, which encourages people to bring their own. These bans usually also encourage people to bring reusable items instead.

5. Avoid Microplastics

Avoid Microplastics

Microplastics are definitely a major issue in our oceans. It enters our ocean in a variety of ways. Clothing, tyres, cigarettes, fishing gear, and plastic pellets are examples. The best way to reduce microplastic pollution is to be aware of where it is coming from. For example, if you smoke, look for approaches to cutting back or quitting completely. If you must drive, make every effort to drive safely so that your tyres do not wear out as soon. to buy more clothing made of eco-friendly materials rather than synthetics for cleaning. In general, do not support the plastic or fishing industries as much in order to prevent microplastic pollution from them.

6. Spread the Word

Spread the Word

Talking to your friends and family about it is one of the best and simplest methods to help end ocean plastic pollution. Having a conversation can open up an array of previously closed doors. After all, learning usually has a positive effect. Maybe your friends and family are unaware of ocean pollution, and simply discussing it will raise their awareness. It can bring about many positive improvements in someone’s life!


Individuals, communities, and governments all over the world must take immediate steps to solve the issue of ocean-bound plastics. We can make significant progress towards decreasing plastic pollution in our oceans by avoiding single use plastics, participate in beach cleanup, eat less fish, and avoid micro plastics.