Environment Agency Approved CBDU80874

7 Different Types of Rubbish You Need to Dispose of

7 Different Types of Rubbish You Need to Dispose of

Waste management is the collection, processing, and recycling of waste, including liquid, hazardous, medical waste, construction, green, and electronic waste. Additionally, it consists of several tasks, including waste storage, waste treatment, and monitoring. Did you know that rubbish is classified into seven different types? In this article we will explain about 7 different types of rubbish you must dispose of.

Types of Rubbish to Dispose of

1. Electronic Waste

2. Medical Waste

3. Recyclable Waste

4. Hazardous Waste

5. Construction Waste

6. Household Waste

7. Green Waste

1. Electronic Waste

Electronic Waste

Electronic devices, such as computers, televisions, vacuum cleaners, telephones, music players, and so on, generate electronic waste or e-waste. It essentially includes all your household furniture, appliances, and commercial equipment that has electronic components and a power source or battery. All e-waste is extremely hazardous for humans and the environment. So, you can donate them or send them to recycling centres.

2. Medical Waste

Medical Waste

Clinical or pharmaceutical waste is generated by treating or diagnosing people or animals. It includes all kinds of biological materials that include that are tested or produced for research purposes. It is generally produced by health care centres, vets, and small clinics. You should dispose of them safely even if they are not considered hazardous.

3. Recyclable Waste

Recyclable Waste

These are the waste resources that can be made into useful things. Recyclable waste is typically found in home waste collection, and it also contains food and drinks containers, cardboard, glass, paper, and metals. You should ensure that these things can easily fit or not into your household recycling bin. Because waste recycling helps to protect the environment and control greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste

Usually, government regulations apply to hazardous waste. Hazardous waste includes pesticides, weed killers, mercury, leftover paint, fluorescent light bulbs, and household chemicals. It is unsafe and dangerous to humans and the environment. If you do not dispose of them in proper containers, then they can pollute the air and water.

5. Construction Waste

Construction Waste

Construction waste is typically generated during building and renovation projects and is heavy and bulky. It might include waste like carpet, concrete, fill soil, bricks, and pattern tiles. You can save bricks, cement, and other materials for your future construction needs. If not, dispose of them by hiring dumpster services.

6. Household Waste

Household Waste

Household waste includes both liquid and solid waste. Liquid waste includes dirty water, water, detergents, and some other organic liquids. If you can plan to dispose of liquid waste, then hire professional waste removal experts to dispose of it properly. And solid waste includes plastic waste, organic waste, paper waste, glasses, metals, and tins. These types of waste are commonly found in every house. Simply dispose of them in your household rubbish bin or hire a rubbish removal company to handle them.

7. Green Waste

Green Waste

Green waste is made up of food and garden waste that naturally degrades in a quick period of time under the right conditions of pressure and temperatures. It includes grass, branches, roots, weed clippings, vegetables, bread, and seed waste. Some people may dispose of their green waste using a composting system. Others may transport it to a facility that can properly dispose of it.


Finally, you have learned about different types of waste and their disposal methods. We hope this article will help you make an effective decision during waste management.