What are the Problems with burying wastes in Landfills?
The wastes are generated all over the world and the commonly used waste disposal method is dumping them into the waste landfills. A landfill is a place where the wastes are collected to dispose of. These landfills look ugly, and it produces heavy smell due to the collection of a greater number of wastes. These wastes in the landfills can harm the air, water, and the land where the wastes are segregated. Though there are many technological and recycling methods, many business owners are moving their wastes to the landfill, because of the low cost. The cost of recycling and the proper disposal of the wastes does not exceed your payment limit. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to dispose of your wastes properly. In this article, we will discuss the problems with burying wastes in a landfill.
Problems associated with landfill waste disposal
There are many problems that arise due to the process of dumping your wastes into the landfill. These causes are majorly classified into three types. In a landfill, the wastes are not separated and segregated properly, just they throw off all the wastes in the same place. This improper segregation and disposal generate the three major issues in the landfill. They are,
- Toxins
- Leachate
Toxins are chemical substances that are harmful to the environment and human health. Any waste that is decomposed will contain toxic elements. Especially, medical wastes, chemical wastes, and e-wastes contain more amount of chemicals and toxins. This makes the land, groundwater, and the atmospheric air in the surroundings get polluted.
Leachate may be a new word for many readers, it is a harmful liquid. The liquid that forms from the wastes is called leachate. This liquid is highly toxic which makes the land unstable and loos its cultivating quality. These liquid wastes mix with the nearby lake or river and cause several diseases for the animals and people who are utilizing that water.
All are aware of the GHG i.e., Green House Gases, which are harmful to the environment, health, and the ozone layer. The major GHG is produced by the wastes in the landfill. The landfill consists of different types of wastes like plastic, paper, food, chemical, medical, electronics, etc., These wastes will generate GHG when they decompose.
Control Measures to get rid of Landfill Waste Disposal
There is a number of control measures to overcome the causes with burying wastes in landfill, that can be done by yourself.
- The first step is to hire the skip bins for your home, school, or office
- Buy three to four bins and name them with the different types of wastes.
- This will make awareness about the collection of types of wastes.
- Try to compost your green and food wastes
- Reduce the usage of plastics and use recyclable products
- Repair the old electronic products and sell or donate them to the people who are seeking that.
- Transport your wastes to the recycling center which are recyclables.
- Hire Professional rubbish removal services in order to dispose of your wastes properly and environmentally.
- The experts will collect the different types of wastes separately and dispose of them in the proper method.
- They will even recycle the waste with the help of their partner recycling center.