Environment Agency Approved CBDU80874

Innovative Ideas to End Plastic Waste

Innovative Ideas to End Plastic Waste

Plastics are products that are a huge disturbance to the healthy environment. These plastics can produce GHG, methane, and ethanol during manufacturing, transportation, and after it gets decomposed. It should be noted that plastics took at least 100 years to decompose themselves, and there are no safer methods to dispose of the plastics. It will pollute the environment heavily when it burns, so it is not advisable to burn plastics. These plastics are dumped into landfills, and oceans where it is the major cause of natural disasters. It will generate more heat in the landfills and lead to global warming. Plastics cannot be eliminated completely from the world, but the use of those products can be minimized. Here are some of the innovative ideas to end plastic waste.

Innovative Ideas to End Plastic Waste

1. Using Plastics in Road Construction

Toby McCartney found that the plastics are used to seal the cracks and gaps by meting them. He found this during a trip to India and tried to implement it in the UK. First, he cannot get the desired result, after 844 failures he got succeeded in his innovation for road construction. In this process, he used only the single-use plastics which are going to landfills.
He mixed the plastic with the bitumen materials and finally, he got the desired toughness and strengthened material. Now he is ready to use practically in roadways to get a strong and smoothy road construction. This eliminates the plastics get into landfills and the ocean.

Ideas to End Plastic Waste

2. Apparel from Plastic Bags

A young graduate in the UK noted that over 700 billion plastic bags are wasted each year. All the plastics are ending up in landfills or ocean dumping. To avoid this unwanted pollution, he tries to make an overcoat using single-use plastic bags. At first, it was avoided but later, these coats are used as raincoats on the daily basis. This coat is made with the wastes of single-use plastics. This will reduce the generation of plastic waste in the environment.

3. New Shelter with Plastics

In the UK, a young engineer has proved that plastic is strong enough to withstand water and air. So, he constructer many plastic shelters for poor people at low cost. He also constructed a free shelter for the roadside people and pets to stay safe. This improves the lifestyle of homeless people and also saves the environment from the generation of plastic waste.

Avoid Plastic bags

4. Biodegradable Plastic

Though plastics are harmful to the environment, we cannot avoid the use of plastics. So, Mobius a company in the UK, have invented the biodegradable plastic for the agricultural purpose. It is a cover that is used to cover the crops. This plastic will not stay on the earth for years, it will break down quickly and decompose itself without any pollution. Mobius did this with the plastic wastes which are generated and moved to the landfills.


Above are some of the most inspired and innovative ideas to end plastic wastes. Not only these you can make your own plastics for another purpose instead of throwing them off. You can make the containers and the plastic bottles to grow small plants in your home and they can be used for decoration.